FIC: Keepers in Rome [2/2]
(too old to reply)
Eric Jablow
2006-11-26 06:56:12 UTC
Dawn gestures toward some of the art on the walls.
While Dominic explains their provenance, Tomas fetches
Buffy and Dawn coffee. A few minutes later, Tomas
returns, and they sit and drink. Then, Dominic ends
the silence. "Last May, one of our seers sent an
e-mail saying that the rules were changing, that a new
dispensation was about to be given. Just five minutes
after the time stamp on Brother Luca's message, the
earthquake that destroyed Sunnydale began. Since then,
we've seen incidents that suggested that you had died,
Buffy, and that your power had passed to another.
However, you arrived in Rome; we would like to know
what happened in Sunnydale."

"Brother Luca--he's still alive?"

"Yes, daughter."

"Brother Luca, Buffy?"

"He's a seer who was on a mailing list with Jenny,
Dawn. He predicted the Harvest. Jenny told Giles
about him a couple of days after it when they had a

"It's too bad she didn't tell Giles everything; it would
have saved us all a lot of trouble."

"And she'd still be alive too. Father Dominic, last
year, something was trying to influence us. It caused
us to have visions of disaster, trying to induce us to
kill ourselves."

"Or others," adds Dawn.

"Meanwhile, a group of assassins were killing all the
known Potentials," Buffy continues.

Dominic asked, "Potentials?"

"The potential Slayers. The old Council of Watchers
kept track of girls they had identified as possible
Slayers. The assissins somehow found out who they were
and sent teams to kill them."

"Some of the remaining Slayers fled their watchers and
came to Sunnydale. The Council wasn't protecting them,
and so they tried to reach the only Slayer and Watcher
who thought for themselves," Dawn explains.

"It turned out to be one of our old enemies, the First
Evil, the Spirit of Despair. The assassins were her
servants, the Bringers, the Harbringers of Despair.
And my return to the world had created an imbalance
that let the First manifest."

"Remarkable," replies Dominic. "That's very good
theology; when one succumbs to despair, forsaking any
hope on the Lord's Grace, nothing is left."

"The First was trying to open the Hellmouth, to let her
army of Turok-han, the primal vampires in," says Buffy.

"We did have some successes; Buffy killed a couple of
the Turok-han; we blocked the First's attempt to
control Spike, and we trained the Potentials as far as
we could."

"We lost a lot too. Caleb, one of the First's allies,
killed a couple of the Potentials, and hurt Xander
badly. The Bringers blew up the old Council's

"That was a very small loss, Buffy. Heck, Quentin
deserved to die for what he'd done to you."

"We even did a magic ritual to send me questing back in
time, bcak to the time of the First Slayer." The
priests look disturbed; they are troubled by the frank
use of magic. "We found out how the Shadow Men had
endowed her with power. They had summoned a demon to
possess her, and they tried to do it to me. I refused
and broke away."

"Of course you refused, Buffy. No one touched by
Heaven could accept the aid of a demon," says Dominic.

Pope John Paul raises his hand, and everyone looks at
him. "Miss Summers, have you ever wondered why Slayers
live such tragic and short lives? Their power is based
on demonic power, and demons can not create; they can
only destroy. It's understandable that Slayers come
with a curse. But by rejecting that poor power, you
have turned that curse into a blessing."

"Thank you, Father," says Buffy. "Three things turned
things around for us: someone called the 'Guardian'
gave us the Scythe, the Slayers' Weapon, just before
Caleb killed her. Wolfram and Hart, an evil law firm,
sent us an artifact that would help us fight the First;
they didn't want the competition. And finally, Willow
was able to liberate the power of the Scythe and grant
the power of the Slayer to all the Potentials, even
those no one knew about."

"Giles is trying to find them all now," says Dawn.

"Anyhow, we were able to hold off the Turok-han until
Spike used the artifact to cauterize the Hellmouth,
closing it forever, sacrificing himself. Most of us
gout out of there before the Hellmouth's collapse
destroyed Sunnydale.

"We lost some of the Potentials, and we lost Anya. But
the world is safe."

Dominic says, "So, it's the new Slayers that we see.
That's why we thought you had fallen in battle; we
thought they had been Called upon your death."

"I'm still here. I hope to be here a long time."


Tomas refills their drinks; as they sip their wine,
John Paul looks lost in thought. After a few minutes,
Father Dominic stands up and says, "We have prepared
some gifts for the two of you."

Dawn asks, "Gifts?" Buffy replies, "There's always
gifts; you should know that by now."

Tomas leaves the room and returns with a large
portfolio. Dominic explains, "Dawn, we know that you
have been studying ancient languages as part of your
work. We have scanned all the documents in the Vatican
Library and have burnt them onto these 100 DVDs. We
hope you find these useful in your duties."

"You know, Father, that scanning the wrond document can
be dangerous."

"We know of Brother Thelonious amd the Book of Moloch.
We took precautions."

Dawn, thinking to herself, "I will not squeal. I'll be
calm and collected," rises and collects the DVD set.

After Dawn returns to her seat, the Pope looks at
Buffy. "We have something important in common,

"I don't see how, Father."

"I am the keeper of the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven,
and you are the keeper of the Key to everything else."
[cf. Matthew 16:19]

Outraged, Dawn stammers out, "I don't need a keeper."

After a moment, Buffy says to her, "Peace, Dawn.
Actually you do."

"Well, he doesn't have to say it."


When the look at John Paul again, Tomas stands by his
side holding a long and thin case. "Fifteen hundred
years ago, a Jewish smith in Damascus forged this
blade. It was his life-work, made to be soverign
against the illusions of djinn and efreet, giving true
sight to its weilder. Cherev-L'Emeth, the Sword of
Truth, has passed through many hands since then, and
now it is time for you to have it."

Buffy rises to accept her gift. "Thank you, Father."

"Someday, you must tell her what she looks like in the
light of truth."


It is late; Pope John Paul is visibly tired, and Buffy
and Dawn know they soon must leave.

"Have you a blessing for us, Father?" asks Buffy.

"Certainly, Buffy. Please, please."

The two sisters rise, stand before him, and bow their
heads. He daubs their foreheads with holy oil.

"Know you, Buffy Summers, that you act by the authority
of Our Heavenly Father, and by His grace. Know that
what you do, the battles you fight, are akin to what
aurgeon does, removing cancer from a sufferer. Know
that the Lord trusts your judgements, and have trust in
Him. And know that when your span of days ends, the
Lord shall wait for you, and greet you with Love. And
lets us say, Amen."

"And what of me, Father? Have I a hope of Heaven?"

The Pope turns to Dawn, and stops for a moment; then he
takes a breath and says, "Dominic, Tomas, help me up."
They support him as he rises, only to kneel before

"Do you not know your nature, Dawn? When could such a
thing as the Key, a thing that can open and close all
the passageways of the universe, have been created? It
could only have been made when the universe was made,
and only by He who created the Universe.

"'In the beginning God created the heaven and the
earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and
darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit
of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God
said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God
saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the
light from the darkness. And God called the light Day,
and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and
the morning were the first day.'

"A hope of Heaven, Dawn? You are a creation of God on
high. The Curse of Adam is not within you; you are
outside its remit, unique and enduring, closer to God
than even the Angels. May your body, your spirit, and
your nature be perfectly wedded; may you learn to
control your gift, and may you someday return to His
hand. And let us say, Amen."

Buffy and Dawn turn to leave the residence, but the
Pope interrupts them. "Have you a blessing for us?"

The two sisters look at each other. Then, beams of
light stream from their foreheads where the Pope had
anointed them, green from Dawn and white from Buffy.
The lights form paths through the air, leading to a
group of books atop a dresser. Dawn picks up the book
her light has led to, a latin Bible. Buffy does the
same to hers, an English Bible. They turn to pages the
lights lead them to, and they recite:

"The Lord, He is the One Who goes before you; He will be
with you; He will neither fail you, nor forsake you. Do
not fear, and do not be dismayed." [Deuteronomy 31:8]

The priests respond, "Amen," and John Paul adds, "We
are all truly blessed."


Buffy and Dawn stand on the street outside their
apartment, they hold their gifts and the emergency
assistance cards Dominic gave them. Buffy looks up at
the stars and says, "Someday, we shall return to You."
Dawn takes Buffy's hand in hers and says, "Amen."

One week later, Buffy and Dawn leave Rome, never to
return. They have all the immortality they will ever


Matthew 16:19: ³I will give you the keys of the kingdom
of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in
heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed
in heaven.² [NIV]
Eric Jablow
Eric Jablow
2006-11-26 07:12:50 UTC
Oops. Don't bother with this one; part 1 has the entire story.
Eric Jablow
Captain Average
2006-11-29 05:27:47 UTC
Too late.

Very interesting, Eric. Odd and complex, but everything weaves together

Outside of a few spelling errors, this a superb effort to bridge the Buffy
and real world beliefs. As I'm not a Biblical scholar, I can't say,
definitively, how
successful you are, but everything seems to fit rather well.

Thanks for this entertaining and thought-provoking fic.

Captain Average
Superhero Keychain...
Post by Eric Jablow
Oops. Don't bother with this one; part 1 has the entire story.
Eric Jablow
Eric Jablow
2006-11-29 16:51:20 UTC
Post by Captain Average
Too late.
I got confused because my newsreader, MT-NewsWatcher, combined
the two parts.
Post by Captain Average
Outside of a few spelling errors, this a superb effort to bridge the Buffy
I do my editing without aid of a spell-checker, sadly. I need to
change the way I work.
Post by Captain Average
and real world beliefs. As I'm not a Biblical scholar, I can't say,
definitively, how
successful you are, but everything seems to fit rather well.
I probably made many mistakes with the Roman Catholic POV. I'm a
nice Jewish boy. But I do think the basic premise is reasonable.

I could have been more explicit about Dawn's spirit being the
tool the Lord used in Genesis 1 to separate the light from the
darkness. The story is more obscure than it needed to be. Of
course, I don't believe in telling everything; people often make
references in conversation they don't explain. Buffy didn't
explain the 'bot. JP didn't say who "Joseph" was, though the
reader could guess that he eventually became JP's successor.

Anyhow, "Keepers" and other stories I've written will be part of
an informal series of stories, either canonical or nearly so:

"Community" [post-S3] - The two weeks after Graduation Day.
"Permission" [post-S5] - Giles gets advice after Buffy's death
from the only demon in California who can understand him.
"Lack of Vision" [post-S5] - The vision Cordelia does not receive
before the most terrible of days.
"Icing Model" [S6] - Wesley's mistakes come back to haunt him,
but there is a happy ending.
"Recessional" [unwritten, post-S7] - The two weeks after the last
"Keepers in Rome" [S8] - The theology of slayers and keys.
"The Reformation" [unwritten, S8] - Buffy and Dawn return to
England. Willow brings Xander back from Africa after he is
inured helping a Slayer escape Zimbabwe. A battle occurs in Los
Angeles. And, as Giles works to restore the Watchers' Council,
the Slayers demand their choice be the new CEO.

The Broken Curse stories
"Like Mark Twain" [S9] - Buffy visits a demon sports bar, and is
merciful to a vampire baseball fan.
"Eighty-sixed" [S9] - The troubles of Faith and Robin's mixed
relationship. No, I don't mean their skin color!

"Locking Doors" [unwritten, S9] - The WCI avenges Wesley, Angel,
Fred, and Gunn. The Wolf, the Ram, and the Hart will never be
the same.
"Literary Vengeance" [S9] - A justice daemon visits judgement
upon a traitor.

The Inspired stories
"Wicked Inspiration" [S9] - Two college students in Boston have a
frightening introduction to the world of Slayers and vampires.
"Inspired Questions" [S9] - The underworld may be frightening,
but can it provide job opportunities?
"Inspired Conversation" [unwritten, S9] - Xander gives a job
interview, but Daria is interested in something more.
"Inspired Negotiations" [unwritten, S10] - The WCI hires a lawyer
to negotiate a peace treaty. It's too bad demons are rarely
peaceful. It's really too bad about Helen Morgendorffer's dress.
"Inspired Ceremonies" [unwritten, S11] - Getting Xander and Daria
married is more of a military expedition than a religious
ceremony. It's amazing how many demons a successful WCI can
annoy. And, the Powers compound their worst mistake.

"The FInal Settlement" [unwritten, S11] - The Slayers and their
friends fight those who control humanity through prophecy.
Post by Captain Average
Post by Eric Jablow
Oops. Don't bother with this one; part 1 has the entire story.
See above. I'm not sure I like MT-NewsWatcher much.
Eric Jablow
Don Sample
2006-11-29 21:57:04 UTC
In article
Post by Eric Jablow
See above. I'm not sure I like MT-NewsWatcher much.
I've been using MT-NewsWatcher for ages, and never had it combine posts
like that.
Quando omni flunkus moritati
Visit the Buffy Body Count at <http://homepage.mac.com/dsample/>
Eric Jablow
2006-11-30 02:12:14 UTC
Post by Don Sample
In article
Post by Eric Jablow
See above. I'm not sure I like MT-NewsWatcher much.
I've been using MT-NewsWatcher for ages, and never had it combine posts
like that.
I may have had an option turned on to merge uuencoded binaries....
Eric Jablow
Aaron Davies
2006-12-02 23:48:41 UTC
Post by Eric Jablow
Post by Don Sample
In article
Post by Eric Jablow
See above. I'm not sure I like MT-NewsWatcher much.
I've been using MT-NewsWatcher for ages, and never had it combine posts
like that.
I may have had an option turned on to merge uuencoded binaries....
I highly reccomend MacSOUP. The only NewsWatcher derivative I ever found
any use was Thoth, and that only for binaries. For actual conversations,
MacSOUP is by far the best I've ever seen.
Aaron Davies
Opinions expressed are solely those of a random number generator.
Magnae clunes mihi placent, nec possum de hac re mentiri.
Ho! Ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Thrust!